Paz Carceller

For Ernesto Sábato, the presence of man is expressed in the traces of beauty he leaves, in the hope of being found and recognized.

Paz seeks an aesthetic atmosphere in all its areas.

Personally and professionally, how we behave and present ourselves to others, how we organize the space in which we spend our time, how we dress and do our hair give information about us and our way of understanding life, differentiating us from those who do something similar, but in their own way.

About Paz

Paz is by intuition, vocation and training, fashion designer and stylist.

Of Valencian blood but born in Vigo, where he spent his first 18 years. When he came of age, he left Galicia and lived for almost 20 years outside his hometown, straddling the border between Madrid, London and Lisbon. He studied and worked in those cities, until returning definitively (or for the time being) to Vigo back in 2002.

Madrid was his first destination when he came of age.She studied fashion design and styling at the Higher School of Stylists and Designers and then, with a scholarship from the Ministry of Industry, she went to London to do a 2-year Master’s Degree at the Central St. Martin’s College of Art. In addition to her outstanding academic achievements, being accepted and successfully completing a master’s degree at one of the best schools in the world, her stay in London was an experience that she describes as “mind-blowing”.

He coincided at school with people like Bobby Hillson (director of the master’s degree at that time), Louise Wilson, John Galliano or Alexander Mc Queen, but the most interesting thing was the experience of living with people from all over the world, from other cultures, with another education and aesthetic codes; something that he had not been lucky enough to experience until then in the Spain that he left in the 80s. Seeing how people who crossed paths dressed, did their hair and makeup at art school, museums and on the streets of London, made her start her most creative and peculiar stage. His eccentricity did not last for many years, although to his father they seemed eternal.

Paz always has her most creative part activated, and she has a gift for creating and recognizing “beauty”.

Throughout his more than 3 decades in the business, he has collaborated with companies such as Adolfo Domínguez and Inditex, and worked as a freelancer in Spain, England and Portugal. She has marketed several collections of carpets, clothing and accessories, provides advice as a fashion consultant and stylist, and is passionate about photography, where she has made some professional inroads.

The great Irene Sharaff, for many the best costume designer in the history of cinema, said that “Being elegant and chic can be bought, but one’s own style, never. “Paz will help you to achieve your own elegance and sophistication, as well as to find your differentiating style, both in the personal and professional field

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